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Final Lair - D'Ambrosio, Vroman, Carl
Franc D'Ambrosio, Bonnie Rapp, Christopher Carl: Final Lair
Final Lair - The Phantom of the Opera Bucharest, Romania - 7th March 2015
Final Lair - Shannon, Beck, Barratt
Howard McGillin, Adrienne McEwan and Gary Mauer - Final Lair - Phantom of the Opera
JCB LIVE Live Happy Hour: Franc D'Ambrosio, longest running Phantom from The Phantom of the Opera!
San Francisco Phantom "Auld Lang Syne"
Franc D'Ambrosio
Broadway star singing "Music of the Night"
Phantom Of The Opera Final Lair Cover Ft Me As The Phantom
rayechel .wmv
Lisa Vroman - Think of Me (San Francisco, 1998)